Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bus Stop Auditions

ICCT - The Iowa City Community Theatre will hold auditions for Bus Stop by William Inge on November 30 from 1-5pm and on and December 1 from 6:30-9pm at the Robert A. Lee Recreation Center, at the corner of Burlington and Gilbert Streets in downtown Iowa City. Performance dates are February 6-8 and 13-15, 2009. The show is directed by Luis Sierra.

The description from the ICCT website:

In the middle of a howling snowstorm, a bus out of Kansas City pulls up at a cheerful roadside diner. All roads are blocked, and four or five weary travelers are going to have to hole up until morning. Cherie, a nightclub chanteuse, is the passenger with most to worry about: she's been pursued, made love to and finally kidnapped by a twenty-one-year-old cowboy with a ranch of his own and the romantic methods of an unusually headstrong bull. As a counterpoint to the main action, the proprietor of the cafe and the bus driver at last find time to develop a friendship of their own; a middle-age scholar comes to terms with himself; and a young girl who works in the cafe also gets her first taste of romance.

1 comment:

Unknown said...




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