ITAC - World War II ended in 1945, over 60 years ago. Those who lived through it won't be around in another twenty years. That is why it's important that shows like From the Homefront by Thomas P. Johnson exist. The Iowa Theatre Artists Company's production takes us back to the homefront of the war, as two couples deal with the worries and difficulties of living during a world war. In the first of two short

The second act of From the Homefront, called Victory Garden, gives us the men's perspective as the husbands of the wives in first act delve into deep issues of duty and honor and the importance of childhood. Harvey, played by Tom Swenson, comes to his neighbor Roy's home to ask his opinion of letting his teenage son enter the armed forces early. Roy, played by Robert Gardner, has three sons overseas already and has a less idealized idea of what it means to serve. Harv, so earnest in his belief that allowing his son to go to war early would be the honorable thing to do, has to contend with Roy's more realistic assessment. Both actors handle their roles expertly and the contrast between the two is fun to watch.
Johnson's script offers a very true picture of the men of that time. These days

ITAC offers us another chance to get a picture of that time period as after every show, they ask the audience to stick around and share their stories of World War II. Veterans of World War II get in for free if the reserve ahead of time, which ensures that a good group will be in attendance. At the performance I attended, the stories offered were wonderful and I only wished it would have gone longer. The lovely 84-year-old woman sitting next to me asked me what I knew of World War II. My reply was that I only knew what I learned in school as no one in my family had served. She was clearly disappointed in my answer, but hopefully she gave me a few points for coming to the show. I certainly appreciated hearing her stories of that time. And I'm sure you will enjoy a trip back in time as well, if you check out From the Homefront, now playing until November 15. Go here for more information.
Matthew has a Bachelor's degree in English from the University of Iowa. He has directed, acted in, and produced theater in the Iowa City area for over ten years. He has worked with the Iowa City Community Theatre, City Circle and Dreamwell, of which he is a founder. Two of his plays have been produced in the Iowa City area. In another brief life, he also worked as a technical writer.
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