Ushers Ferry - Auditions for Usher Ferry's production of Why Marry? will be held April 12 and 13, 7:00 at Ambroz Rec Center on 20th and Mt. Vernon. Actors so not need to prepare anything; readings from the script will be provided. Why Marry?, by Jesse Lynch Williams, is a comedy of social mores from 1918. It was the first play ever to be awarded the Pulitzer Prize for drama, and remains a fascinating artifact of its time, as well as an intriguing mirror on the present.
Character descriptions:
JEAN, the host's younger sister, who has been brought up to be married and nothing else.
REX, an unmarried neighbor, who has not been brought up to be anything but rich.
LUCY, the hostess, who is trying her best to be "just an old-fashioned wife" in a new-fashioned home.
UNCLE EVERETT, a Judge, who belongs to the older generation and yet understands the new --- and believes in divorce.
COUSIN THEODORE, a clergyman and yet a human being, who believes in everything --- except divorce.
JOHN, who owns the house and almost everyone in it --- and does not believe in divorce .
HELEN, the host's other sister, whom every one wants to marry, but who doesn't want to marry any one.
ERNEST, a scientist, who believes in neither divorce nor marriage but makes a great discovery.
Auditions will be held April 12 and 13, 7:00 at Ambroz Rec Center on 20th and Mt. Vernon. No need to prepare anything. We will be reading from the script.
This show will be performed May 13 - 15 and 20 - 22. Rehearsals will be held Tuesday through Friday evenings and Saturday mornings starting on April 15. We will rehearse everyday of tech week starting on Sunday evening. Some conflicts with the rehearsal schedule can be worked around. Tech week (and, of course, show week) is mandatory and non-negotiable.
All of the eight main parts are meaty and the play has a light playful tone.
This play, unfortunately, is rarely revived. Ushers Ferry believes that this may be an Iowa premiere - 92 years after the fact!
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