Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sans Merci opens Friday

Dreamwell — “If only someone brought mercy and pity to the world, it might blossom forth. It would be a shared communion of souls, vibrant, fertile, and alive with song.”

Dreamwell presents its next play in the "Here I Stand" season, Sans Merci by Johnna Adams, at 7:30 pm on February 10, 11, 17 and 18 at the Unitarian Universalist Society. Reservations can be placed at www.dreamwell.com. Tickets are $13, $10 students/seniors. This production is recommended for mature audiences.

Published in 2009, Sans Merci is about a conservative woman who reaches out to the lover of her daughter, Tracy, who died in a vicious attack. The meeting between these two very strong and different woman is intense, as they dance through their mutual grief. Each learns more about Tracy, and about her violent death. Sans Merci is about the effect one person’s definition of self can have on another human being, and what we can teach each other.

"Here I Stand" is Dreamwell's first ever academic year season. Each of the season’s offerings features characters who choose to be who they are, despite the consequences. This season we celebrate the strength of character we can all achieve.

Directed by Meg Dobbs, the cast is:
Kelly – Nika Tipsword
Tracy – Elisabeth Ross
Elizabeth – Annette Rohlk

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