Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Midwest Theatre Spotlight, Numero Cuatro

For our fourth spotlight, I am directing you a little closer to home. Only one year old, the Encore Players are, as far as I am aware, the only professional musical theatre touring company in Iowa. Their current touring show is Celebrate Sondheim which features music from the composer/lyricist's songbook. The Encore Players were formed under the auspices of the newly built Stephen Sondheim Center for the Performing Arts in Fairfield, Iowa. The gala opening of that space is December 7. More information about the opening can be found here under the "Featured Events" section. The Center and the Encore Players are two more examples of what a culturally rich state we live in.


Nelle said...

You haven't said boo about A Christmas Story. What up?

ICTheatreGuy said...

Check back next week.

I could use a press release though if you want to encourage someone to send me one.

And the show will be reviewed.