Saturday, June 20, 2009

Not a review of Little Dog Laughed

No seriously, this is not a review. I went to a show tonight and decided ahead of time that I wasn't reviewing it. I figured, hey, it's only running for one weekend and the show benefits ICARE and the new Coralville Performing Arts Center. So I'll just go, pay my twelve bucks and enjoy the show. That's what I did. I wasn't planning on writing about it. So let's just pretend we've met at a party and you asked me, because I'm one of those theatre people, "Have you seen any good shows lately?" And I say, enthusiastically, "Yes! I saw a great show just last night." You ask me about it and I say...

It's called The Little Dog Laughed, and that's really the only bad thing about the show, the title, which is just an obscure reference near the end of the play. I hate it when shows do that. Make the title mean something. But anyway, City Circle is doing it. And crazy thing is they're doing at Riverside's space. I had never heard of the show, but John Harper is directing. You know him? Oh, great director. Smart guy, funny. You should really meet him. Anyway, I figured if he's directing, it must be a good show cause John has taste, you know? And I'd never heard of the playwright, Douglas Carter Beane, but a quick Google search told me he's the one who wrote the screenplay for To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar. Anyway, so that was promising information, too. But I have to tell you this play just amazing. The actors are all top notch. Matthew James is in it - he's done a lot lately in Cedar Rapids and around here. I remember him from Frozen. Incredible performance. And then there's Rachel Howell. Totally takes over the role of the Hollywood agent. She's scarily good in the part. Loren Ditzler is great too - did you see that bunch of original plays City Circle did a while ago? She was in that and really stood out. I mean some of the shows weren't all that great as you'd expect with original stuff, but I remember Loren really stood out. And then Bryant something or other... Duffy, that's it. He's the character who really changes the most in the show and he's just spot on. I'd never seen him onstage before but hopefully, he'll do more stuff. Great, great actor. The play is just funny and thought provoking.

What's that? Oh, yeah, just one more night, tonight so if you're not bothered by male nudity and sexual situations, you should really see the show tonight. In fact, if you are bothered male nudity and sexual situations, you should definitely go. Because you really need to get out more.

--Matt Falduto

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