Auditions for Gigi!
Iowa City Community Theatre will hold auditions for Gigi January 5-6 at 6 pm at the Iowa City Public Library. From their website: ?We love Paris in the springtime! Let ICCT take you to turn-of-the-century Paris this spring with Gigi, the award-winning musical by Lerner & Loewe. Dashing and wealthy Gaston Lachaille realizes, perhaps too late, that the girl of his dreams has been in front of him all along."
Riverside brings back Guys on Ice!
Riverside brings a popular favorite from the past back to the Gilbert Street stage beginning January 20. Guys on Ice: An Ice Fishing Comedy invites you to join long-time pals Lloyd and Marvin in their ramshackle ice fishing shanty outside of Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin. The guys keep warm with a mutual appreciation for good bait, cold beer and the Green Bay Packers. As they anxiously await their opportunity to appear on a popular cable TV fishing show, the pals scramble to protect their beer from fellow angler, Ernie the Moocher. They pass the time by swapping jokes, ice fishing, playing cards, talking about their romantic problems – and occasionally breaking into song and dance about snowmobile suits, beer, and fish. With manly musical numbers like "Ode to a Snowmobile Suit" and "Fish is de Miracle Food," this show is sure to charm your wool socks off! For more information, go here.
TCR's first 2012 show!
The Importance of Being Earnest opens January 21 at Theatre Cedar Rapids. Go here for more information. The cast list follows:
Angela Billman - Hon. Gwendolen Fairfax
Scott Humeston - Lane/Moulton/Merriman
Jim Kern - Reverend Canon Chasuble, D.D.
Aaron Murphy - Algernon Moncrieff
Marty Norton - Miss Prism
Hannah Spina - Cecily Cardew
Cherryl Moon Thomason - Lady Bracknell
Alex Williams - John Worthing, J.P.
Audition for Our Town!
Auditions for City Circle Acting Company of Coralville's production of Our Town are coming up later this month.
Director Chris Okiishi will be seeing interested actors on Saturday, Jan. 21 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Please e-mail to schedule an audition. Actors are asked to prepare a short, 2 minute or less, monologue which shows off range. It may be classical or contemporary. Alternatively, there will be sides from which to read at the auditions.
Our Town by Thornton Wilder is the Pulitzer Prize-Winning drama about everyday life in early 20th century America. This production will be an unsentimental take on the material, which has proved timeless and universal. Production will be at the Coralville Center for the Performing Arts the last two weekends in March, 2012. Rehearsals will begin in late January.
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